So who are those who will be gathered into a
place called in Hebrew tongue Armageddon
Rev(16:16) ? Who are these three the Beast, the Dragon and the false
prophet? I have every reason to believe that these three are the three major
nation coalitions. The Beast is the Russian Bear with its allies – north Europe mainly and maybe some north African countries- as
it is evident in Ezekiel 38 chapter. THE DRAGON is China and its allies “The Kings of
the east” as it says in verse 12 (Rev. 16:12). Their emblem had always been the
dragon after all. And finally the false prophet is Israel
and its closest ally USA
because the false prophet or the AntiChrist will be half Jew from the tribe of
Dan and he will be more likely to use the military power of a Super Power close
to Israel like the USA . Unfortunately
these two powers (USA and Israel )
are going to be deceived by him in the future.
The three unclean spirits
coming out of their mouths looking like frogs (Rev. 16:13) seem to be the three
war machines which are able to operate on the ground, in the air, at sea, and
under the surface of the sea just like the frogs. Coincidently the seals of the
US Navy, ("SEAL"
is always capitalized in reference to members of the Naval Special Warfare
community. The acronym is derived from their capacity to operate at sea, in the
air, and on land. SEALs are male members of the United States Navy )
are called frogmen in the Greek Navy exactly
because of their three fold type of operation at sea in the air and on land.
In fact the frog is the most appropriate animal
to describe the capacity of modern armed forces to operate at sea in the air
and on land because it has the ability to leap in the air whereas the seal for
example, cannot jump at all.