Friday 8 March 2013

Obsession with 11

Why illuminati are so obsessed with the number 11?
Take for example the illuminati’s card game These cards were first published in 1995

Go to the third card from the end and notice the time on Big Ben’s clock. It reads 11 past 11. Now let’s go to the card with the title “terrorist nuke”. The twin towers themselves form the number 11, and they look to be hit at the same spot they were hit at the 9/11 attacks – another 11 again-.
Then another 11, features on the fourth card with the title “Population Reduction”

Here is a list of some other terrorist attacks or major events that took place on the 11th of the month  

Madrid attacks on the 11 of March 2004

Bush declaration of the new world order on 11th of September 1990

Peter Patriarch of Alexandria and his 17 member delegation were killed in an unexplained helicopter crash on the 11th of September in 2004
According to a state forensic Doctor the crash happened as a result of an explosion. Unfortunately the text is in Greek

On June 11, 2009, the WHO declared an H1N1 pandemic, moving the alert level to phase 6, marking the first global pandemic since the 1968 Hong Kong flu.[19]
Another two 11s there (virus' name and date)! This incident is associated with the card "epidemic" of the illuminati card game

Are all these events part of illuminati’s ritual, or do they really belong in a greater very sophisticated plan? We know for fact that illuminati’s overall aim is world domination. What we are missing is the steps to this end the tactics they use and the obstacles they have to overcome to become the rulers of the world. Their major failure was that the war on terror had not succeed in bringing all the western world together against Russia and China who supported the so-called rogue states with weapons and oil. Europe is too dependant on Russian energy resources to follow USA foreign policies.
Moreover the economic expansion of Russia and China cannot be contained. I am sure the Illuminati’s would prefer to have their world government now rather than wait for after the ARMAGEDDON.  They know that what ever trick they will try even a global economic crisis, Russia will keep its resources its weapons and consequently its customers when things got better again. So they are desperate.  They are so desperate they will try something more drastic as soon as possible since they love 11s.  Talking of rituals on a world stage here is an interesting site about the rescue of the Chilean miners.

We are sorry for taking so long to renew the site but daily routine and Jobs often get the best of us  

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